How To Install RED_HAWK in Termux :
As You Know RED_HAWK is a good Information gathering tool Written in Php
RED_HAWK is used for Website Information Gathering such as Who is Lookup, Reverse IP lookup , XSS , SQLI scanning etc..
To Install RED_HAWK tool:
Step 1 : Type " pkg install php "
Step 2: After that Type , " pkg install git "
Step 3: Then type the Following Link in the Termux " git clone "
Step 4: After Installing , Find the DIrectory of RED_HAWK, and then type "cd"
and then ls
Step 5: After That , giving permission . " chmod +x RED_HAWK"
Step 6: After that , Type "cd RED_HAWK"
Step 7: Finally , type " php rhawk.php "
That's You're Done !
Im trying to get in my husbands phone
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